Wednesday, August 4, 2010

One long year has passed

Has it been? Could it be? A year since my last entry? Shame on me! I have to be honest, I had a ton of enthusiasm for this project when I first started, then came the html's and attachments in formats I didn't understand and I wanted to attach a video and couldn't figure it out so what do I do? I up and abandoned this very special blog! Shame on me again! I wanted to do all I could to help people out in the universe take care of their cats. It has been so long since my last post, I have lost two of my own cats. Mineau (the black cat)passed in October at a ripe old age of 20! And, a very special kitty named Mr. Buddy died earlier this month from complications from kidney failure. I had such plans for him in this blog! He was so accomodating, not to mention amazingly photogenic. what to do? You know what? You're right, just keep going!

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